In this project, you will compare two famous people using comparative adjectives. This will help you practice your English language skills, particularly in using adjectives to make comparisons.

Steps to Follow:

1. Choose Two Famous People

Select two well-known individuals. They can be from any field, such as music♭, sports🏑 🎾 🏓, acting🎞 📽, or literature 📘 📖 📚. Make sure they are people you can find enough information about.

2. Research👓

Gather information about both individuals. Look for details about their careers, achievements, personal lives, and any other relevant aspects that can help you make comparisons.

3. ✎Write a short biography of them.
These biographies must provide a simple overview of each artist's life and achievements.

4. Create a Comparison Chart

Make a chart with two columns, one for each person. List down different aspects you want to compare, such as:
- Age
- Height
- Number of awards
- Popularity
- Influence in their field

4. Use Comparative Adjectives

Write at least 10 sentences comparing the two individuals using the comparison forms of adjectives:

2 comparatives sentences

2 superlatives

2 equality

2 similes

2 inferiority

5. Oral Presentation: Prepare a short presentation (about 3-5 minutes) where you will share your comparisons with the class. You can use visuals like images or slides to make it more engaging.

6. Be Creative: Feel free to include interesting facts, anecdotes, or even a short video clip about the individuals you are comparing.



Model Project: Camilo Echeverry and Shakira


Biography of Camilo Echeverry

Camilo Camilo Echeverry GIF - Camilo Camilo Echeverry Camilo ...
Camilo Echeverry, known simply as Camilo, was born on March 16, 1994, in Medellín, Colombia. He is a talented singer, songwriter, and musician. Camilo grew up in a musical family, and he started singing at a young age. He learned to play the guitar and began writing his own songs when he was just a teenager.

In 2010, Camilo participated in a popular Colombian talent show called "Factor X." Although he did not win, the show helped him gain recognition. After that, he moved to Bogotá to pursue his music career. In 2018, he released his first album, "Por Primera Vez," which included hit songs like "Tutu" and "Favorito." His music combines pop, Latin, and folk styles, making it very popular in Latin America and beyond.

Camilo is also known for his unique voice and heartfelt lyrics. He often writes about love and personal experiences. In addition to his solo career, he has collaborated with many famous artists, including Shakira and Pedro Capó. Camilo is married to the beautiful singer Evaluna Montaner, and they often share their love story with their fans.

Today, Camilo is one of the most popular young artists in the Latin music scene, and he continues to inspire many with his music and positive messages.


 Biography of Shakira

Shakira GIF - Shakira - Descubre y comparte GIF 

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, known as Shakira, was born on February 2, 1977, in Barranquilla, Colombia. She is a world-famous singer, songwriter, and dancer. Shakira showed her love for music at a very young age. By the time she was eight, she had already written her first song.

In 1990, Shakira released her first album, "Magia," but it was not until the late 1990s that she gained international fame with her album "¿Dónde Están los Ladrones?" Her unique voice and blend of Latin, rock, and pop music made her stand out. In 2001, her song "Whenever, Wherever" became a huge hit worldwide, and she became a global superstar.

Shakira is also known for her incredible dance moves, especially her signature hip-shaking style. She has won numerous awards, including multiple Grammy Awards and Latin Grammy Awards. In addition to her music career, Shakira is an active philanthropist. She founded the Barefoot Foundation, which helps children in Colombia receive education and nutrition.

Shakira was married to Spanish soccer player Gerard Piqué, and they have two children together. She continues to create music and inspire fans around the world with her talent and dedication to social causes.

2. Comparison Chart:

| Aspect             | Camilo Echeverry        |            Shakira            |
|-----------------------|----------------------------------  |----------------------------------|
| Age                 | Younger (28 years old) | Older (46 years old)   |
Height             | Taller (1.75 m)             | Shorter (1.57 m)        |
| Number of Awards | Fewer awards (5 Latin Grammy) | More awards (3 Grammy Awards) |
| Popularity | Less popular internationally | More popular internationally |
| Influence |          Emerging influence       | Established influence |

3. Comparison Sentences:

 Comparative Form (Forma Comparativa)
- Camilo Echeverry is younger than Shakira.
- Shakira is more famous than Camilo Echeverry.

- Shakira is taller than Camilo Echeverry.

Inferiority Form (Forma de Inferioridad)
- Shakira is not less talented than Camilo Echeverry.

- Camilo Echeverry is less popular internationally than Shakira.

Superlative Form (Forma Superlativa)
- Shakira is the most popular singer in Latin America.
- Camilo Echeverry is one of the best new artists in the music industry

 Equality Form (Forma de Igualdad)
- Camilo Echeverry is as creative as Shakira.
Camilo Echeverry is not as experienced as Shakira.

Similes with "as" (Símiles con "as")
- Camilo Echeverry is as charming as a summer breeze.
- Shakira dances as gracefully as a swan.


Good luck, and have fun with your project! 






Rúbrica para el Proyecto de Biografías

Criterios de Evaluación

| Criterio | Excelente (4 puntos) | Bueno (3 puntos) | Aceptable (2 puntos) | Necesita Mejora (1 punto) |
| Contenido de la Biografía | Biografías completas y detalladas de ambos personajes, con información relevante y precisa. | Biografías claras, pero con algunos detalles faltantes o inexactos. | Biografías básicas, con información limitada o poco clara. | Biografías incompletas o irrelevantes. |
| Uso de Comparaciones | Usa al menos diez oraciones con comparaciones correctas y variadas. | Usa al menos diez oraciones, pero con algunas comparaciones incorrectas. | Usa menos de diez oraciones o las comparaciones son limitadas. | No utiliza comparaciones o son incorrectas. |
| Estructura y Gramática | Oraciones bien estructuradas, con gramática y ortografía correctas. | Algunas oraciones bien estructuradas, pero con errores menores. | Errores gramaticales y ortográficos que dificultan la comprensión. | Muchos errores que afectan la claridad del texto. |
| Presentación Oral | Presentación clara, segura y bien organizada; se utilizan ayudas visuales efectivas. | Presentación clara, pero con algunos momentos de inseguridad; ayudas visuales adecuadas. | Presentación confusa o desorganizada; pocas ayudas visuales. | Presentación poco clara y desorganizada; sin ayudas visuales. |
| Interacción con la Audiencia | Mantiene contacto visual, responde preguntas con confianza y fomenta la participación. | Mantiene contacto visual, pero responde preguntas con algo de inseguridad. | Poco contacto visual y dificultad para responder preguntas. | No mantiene contacto visual y no interactúa con la audiencia. |

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