Who are you?
What are the most important moments in your life…so far?
In this assignment, you will identify significant events in your life, create a timeline, and have the opportunity to find out what was going on in the world on your important days!
You will find the information you will find as you research on-line to write and illustrate your own autobiography.
Who are you? We can’t wait to find out!

The Task
You will:
- 1) Identify five to ten significant moments in your life on a timeline and use the (approximate) dates of those events to research world events.
- 2) Write an entry about each of your significant moments.
- 3) Revise your work and edit your draft.
- 4) Illustrate your autobiography
- 5) Evaluate your writing process and finished product.

Getting Started: The Process
Sunny days? Rainy days? We’ve all had them. Which ones are you going to include in your autobiography?
1) Which five (or ten) events were the MOST important, memorable events in your life? The day you were born is probably the FIRST significant event in your life. Writing your autobiography iEnglish might be your final event…for now! Other ideas for your timeline can be:
Your Date of Birth, Your Place Of Birth, Your Mum And Dads Names & Occupations At The Time Of Your Birth, Memorable Birthday, Your Brothers And Sisters, Any Places You Have Lived Or Traveled To, Your First School, Your Primary School, Secondary School, Summer vacations/camps, Any Sporting Interests Or Achievements, Any Creative Interests, Achievements Or Performances Any Positive Things That Have Happened In Your Life, Any Negative Things That Have Happened In Your Life
2) Write your events on a timeline. You can make your own timeline OR print one out (Click TIMELINE HERE for link). Ask your family to help you identify a date that fits with each event.
3) You will need to write an entry about each event on your timeline. If you have 6 events, then write an entry about each event.
4) Find out how old you are to the DAY by clicking HERE. Enter your birthday as the start date and today’s date (or the date you hope to publish your book) as the end date. For example, November 22, 2005, would be entered as 11 – 22 – 2005. January 1, 2006, would be entered as 01 – 01- 2005 . If you know the EXACT time you were born, you can click on “specify time” to enter that time for your start date and also the time on the clock for your end date and you will find out how old you are in years, months, days, hours, and minutes. Click on “Calculate Duration” to get your results. Write this information down in your entry..
6) What did the moon look like on the day you were born? Click HERE to find out. Change the month, day, and year to your birth date. Sketch a picture or copy and paste this moon in to your assignment.
7) What was happening in the world on your important days? When you click HERE, you can enter a date (November 22, 2005 would be entered as 11/22/2005) and learn about important events and trivial facts related to that day. As you do this, write down the facts that INTEREST you or relate to your events. For example, if one of the events on my timeline was about the day my baby brother was born, I might be interested in the fact and how it was relevant or connected to my life.
8) Now that you’re done with your research, start thinking about what you want your timeline to look like. It You can be as creative as you want it to be! Start planning! Remember to add illustrations (either your drawings, photos from the computer, and/or real photos).
9) Have fun with this assignment and if you have any questions, please email me and ask!