SPEAKING: dialogue "at the restaurant"

Are you hungry?

activity 1. Click on the following link to do the comprehension activities: A restaurant menu
activity 2. You can find here some more vocabulary about RestaurantsWhat is more, you can check if you know the basic vocabulary regarding restaurants.

activity 3. Role-play

DIALOGUE 1 (3 participants)

Waiter: Good evening (buenas tardes)
Client: A table for two, please (una mesa para dos, por favor)
Waiter: Very good
Client 2: Thank you.
Waiter: You're welcome.

Él te llevará a tu mesa y normalmente en países anglosajones, te preguntan si quieres una bebida inmediatamente.

Waiter: Would you like a drink while you look at the menu? ( ¿Te gustaría tomar algo mientras lees el menú?)
Client: Yes, I’ll have mineral water, please.
Waiter: sparkling or still mineral water? (¿Con o sin gas?
Client: Oh, still.
Client 2: I'll have a coke, please.
Waiter: OK, one moment.

Luego, él te dejará mirar el menú; volverá y te preguntará…

Waiter:  Can I take your order..? (¿Puedo tomar nota?)
Client: Yes, for a starter I’ll have tomato soup, and main course steak and chips. (como entrante sopa de tomate y como plato principal un filete)
Client 2: Me too.
Waiter: OK,

Cuando hayas terminado el waiter volverá y dirá…

Waiter: Would you like dessert? ¿Queréis postre ?
Client: Yes, I would like a chocalate cake.
Client 2: I want a coffee, please.

Client: Can I have the bill please? La cuenta por favor.
Waiter: Here you have, 35 Euros.
Client 2: OK.
Client:  here you have a tip. Bye bye.
Waiter: Thank you.Client 2Goodbye

Y ¿cuanto propina deberias dejar en los Estados Unidos o Inglaterra? si el servicio ha sido bueno se deja una propina… ‘a tip’. Yo diría – una libra o dólar por cada persona que ha comido en tu grupo.

DIALOGUE 2 (5 participants)

Diana: Emily, I booked a table in this restaurant. Do you like it?  
Emily: Yes, it is very beautiful
Waitress: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
Diana: I booked a table
Waitress: What are your names?
Diana: Miss Diana Johnson and Miss Emily Smith
Waitress: One moment, please. (looks for the name) Your table is the table number five.
Emily: Thank you very much.

Kelsy: Do you have a free table for us?
Waitress: What are your names, please?
Mary: Kelsy Rogers and she is Mary Washington
Waitress: Come with me, please. (While walking)
Kelsy: Mary, I think that I know her…
Mary: Really? Who’s she?
Kelsy: An ex classmate from the high school. Come on, let’s go to say hello to her.
Mary: Of course.

Kelsy: Hi! Are you…..?
Diana: Diana
Kelsy: Yes! how are you? So long.
Diana: Fine, thank you, Kel. And what do you do? Where are you studying?
Kelsy: I am studying for English teacher and you? What are you studying?
Diana: I am studying for a vet. And, Where do you live?
Kelsy: I am living in Los Angeles now, look I introduce you to my classmate, Mary Washington.
Mary:   Nice to meet you Diana.
Diana: That's my friend. Her name is Emily.
Emily: Are you going to eat here? , Why don’t we eat together?
Diana: O.K.! Waiter, please!!
Waitress: Ladies, here is the Menu.
Diana: Girls, what will you eat?
Mary: I want some spaghettis and an orange juice
Emily: I want a salad and an apple juice
Mary: We'll have coffee with milk
Waitress: Fine. In a minute!
Kelsy: Thank you!

Great links. Aquí tienes otros enlaces que te darán ideas para personalizar los diálogos:

Phrase book