You're going to prepare your favourite songs so everybody can listen to them.
Come on, let´s do it!
Follow the entry "Song: On the floor" as model
Then, we will upload your songs in our blog "English Songs"
Enjoy listening and singing, then you can do the exercises.
Activity 1. Write the task in a doc. As title put the name of the band and add an image of them, below the title you'll have to write your names and surenames
Band Name
by ........................................... from IES Salvador Távora (Seville-Spain)
+ image
Activity 2. Look for information and complete the cue card of your favourite band, following this model:// Busca información del grupo y completa la ficha con los datos importantes (puedes buscar en wikipedia)
The band is:
They are a:
They are from:
Their birthday is:
They started (the
Their first album
Our favourite song
is:Activity 3. Copy the link of your favourite song.Copia el link de Youtube de tu canción. (pinchando encima del video con el botón derecho del ratón)
a. link of the official video
b.link of the video with subtitles (in English and Spanish if possible)
Activity 4. Copy the lyrics of your favourite song and erase ten words, so your classmates can fill the gaps.// Copia la letra de vuestra canción favorita y elimina las diez palabras que tu quieras, para que tus compañeros/as puedan completarlas.
Remember it has to be an English song!!!!!